Thursday, March 26, 2009

Research into Bioenergy

So much of our technology and know-how has reached us via military research e.g. the internet. A year ago, a report entitled Army's New PTSD Treatments: Yoga, Reiki 'Bioenergy' by Noah Shachtman appeared in Danger Room, a Wired Blog relating to defence.

“The Army just unveiled a $4 million program to investigate everything from "spiritual ministry, transcendental meditation, [and] yoga" to "bioenergies such as Qi gong, Reiki, [and] distant healing" to mend the psyches of wounded troops.
As many as 17 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have some form of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, one congressional study estimates. Nearly 3,300 troops have suffered traumatic brain injury, or TBI, according to statistics assembled last summer.”

Early results from some of this research should soon start to filter out. I am looking forward to a time in the near future when Bioenergy Healing will be accepted as being on a par with traditional medicine.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bio Energy for Health

Bio Energy for Health is based on the Lower Kimmage Road. It is a convenient location for a large number of people who rely on public transport being on the 19A and 54A routes and being very close to the 83/18 bus stop and five minutes walk from the 16 and 65 bus routes through Harold’s Cross.

Here I conduct the four day healing treatment during weekdays as well as offering holistic massage. Occasionally the two procedures are complimentary. Massage treatment is subsidised by Hibernian Aviva health insurance.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bioenergy - 2 Meanings

Surfing the websites you will probably have noticed that Bioenergy can refer to two totally unrelated processes. The first: a system of healing which works by balancing the human energy field. It is non-invasive.

The second is energy that can be got from biomass, (ie all organic material). Wood pellets, energy crops, manure would be considered a source of bioenergy but coal, a fossil fuel, would not. The difference being that biofuels, (ie prepared biomass), are renewable sources of energy, coal is not.

The benefits of the latter Bioenergy is that it provides alternatives to the dwindling fossil fuels, it supposedly produces less greenhouse emissions and it could be the source of new employment in rural areas.

The benefits of my form of Bio-energy is that, at the very least, it clears blockages in energy transmission throughout the body; and very frequently it heals conditions traditional medicine doesn’t.