Friday, June 12, 2009

An Applicatiion Of Muscle Testing

The presence of an energy field surrounding the body is easily proven as discussed in an earlier post. One of the upshots of its presence is that it is influenced by the energy surrounding other bodies, animate and inanimate. This fact is fundamental to bioenergy healing during which the therapist uses her/his energy field to manipulate the flow of energy through another person's body. The following YouTube movie provides some more information on the human energy field as well as directions for an interesting application of it that anyone can perfect. The muscle-testing aspect of our energy field which features in the movie has tremendous implications for diagnosis of medical conditions and healing of same. I’ll explain anon. Meanwhile take a look

More "Enjoy A BetterWorld" videos can be viewed at

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bioenergy in Donegal

Bioenergy for Health has now a base in Barnesmore in Donegal. It’s a real pleasure to have a treatment room that nestles on the hillside as you enter the Gap. Almost everyone that comes for the treatment remarks on the feelings of relaxation that it gives. This is greatly enhanced by the scenic surroundings in this part of Donegal. Further information on from the Bioenergy for Health website
Enquiries should be sent to

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bioenergy Life Project

People with Multiple Sclerosis might like to take a look at the movie below in which women suffering from MS discuss how the Domancic Bioenergy Method has improved their quality of life.

This movie was made for the Bioenergy Life Project;you can view their homepage at

It will be of particular interest to those with Parkinson'e disease and Multiple Sclerosis to read through the results section when it is posted in July.