Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Testimonials relating to Bio-energy for Health

Perhaps it’s not surprising that there is a lot of scepticism around healing methods like the Domancic and Plexus Bio-energy treatments, and other forms of energy treatment. It is still relatively new in Ireland and does represent a markedly different approach to the standard medical treatment. I should stress that it is complimentary. It will take time for the success of the methods to become sufficiently widely known and accepted. Here are two genuine testimonials of my work from this year (I have withheld surnames for privacy reasons).

“Since my bio-energy treatment I have had tremendous benefit, having suffered with a chronic abscess problem. It is great to feel relief, have great energy and know how it feels to be pain free.” ……………Lisa

“Prior to my attending Catherine’s Clinic I was experiencing severe back spasm and stiffness to my neck which resulted in restricted movement and discomfort whilst driving. Having attended the Plexus group on previous occasions in the western region, I am acutely aware of the benefits this course of treatment has for me.

Following my first session with Catherine my condition had greatly improved, the spasm had disappeared and the limited movement to my neck had also improved. I can say yet again, after four days, that Bio-energy Therapy has worked for me.............Michael

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Web and Bio-energy Healing

It is especially instructive to browse randomly through websites. Spend a while searching for online mentions of bio-energy healing. Google, for example, blog + "Zdenko Domancic".

Of course you'll get all sorts of comments online, but the truth is that it is the results of the treatments that count, thousands of people have been healed; practitioners of the "Domancic Method" and the "Plexus Method" both get excellent results.

Below is a short passage from a posting on 'Intent', which declares itself: "a brand and Web site, aspires to be the most trusted wellness destination for capturing and sharing peoples intentions – personal, social, spiritual and environmental."

This article is entitled HOW I HEALED MY CANCER and was posted by Evita Ramparte 3/4/2009. "In 2007 I first encountered the Domancic Method of Bioenergy. I found it by far the most powerful healing modality I have ever experienced. I witnessed adults and children healed by this hands-off therapy - hundreds of them! Finally, I had I journey to Zdenko Domancic to meet him at his clinic in Slovenia, where I witnessed people getting visibly better over four days. I remember a man, who came to the Domancic Clinic in May - on a wheel chair. In September, he was not only walking but also pushing the wheel chair of his friend, who this time was brought for therapy. I witnessed children with autism, dyspraxia, asthma - getting better and better. It all seemed amazing to me, and normal to Zdenko Domancic, who helped already a million of people and received the recognition of Slovenian government authorities."

She goes on to say she now works with the Domancic Method of Bioenergy and like so many others is involved in passing the word along.